Manuel Fragoso

"To be successful in both your business life and personal life, it is imperative that you embrace a positive attitude as much as possible. This is probably one of the most significant factors in determining your success.Especially in economic downturns like this one".


Greetings, welcome to my website.Here you will find some  information about my professional experience and some helpful hints on how to improve your business.Hope You enjoy and thank you for your time.

Have a wonderful day!


Bon Vivant & Expert traveller

What can I do for You?

    • Build an effective business development strategy including management, public relations, entertainment, sales & marketing including an efficient marketing strategy.


    • Optimize your operations (lowering your cost, not your quality or service) and increase your clients, guest and employees satisfaction.


    • Efficiency & continuous improvements for your organization.


    • Maximize your growth, sales, profitability, NPS and market. 




 I will help organizations solve their problems with a single goal in mind...

to create substantial and lasting value.

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